Welcome to KingsVine Yard Farms Limited

Snail Farming

We provide complete snail farm consultancy, management and products services for clients around .

Poultry Farming

Your trusted brand for fresh eggs and dressed chicken. Kingsvineyard Farms delivers the best in poultry products

Livestock Farming

Being your One Stop Shop for livestock raising, we provide you with the best quality cows, goats & sheeps

Catfish Farming

Carefully farmed in harmony with nature. We provide exceptional quality

What we’re offering

Better Agriculture for Better Future

We are offering the best quality breed of livestock and poultry birds there is on the market. KingsVine Yard Farms is a company whose aim is to bring proper recognition to the farming industry as it plays a big role from being the main source of raw materials to being a nations national revenue .

  • Get the best and fresh organic products

Agriculture Matters to the Future

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What We’re Doing